Part of what makes this stream-of-consciousness blogging easier than more deliberative, purposeful posts is that the former is quick and demands little editing while the latter carries an expectation of review, cohesivenss, and coherency. I just write down the phrases that come to mind with only immediate revision. This sloppiness shows through my blogging posts this past month.
My goal is to breach once more into deliberative writing, writing with purpose and intent. I have been out of practice for several years now and I need to take more control over myself and over what I make time for in my life (these I largely make time for passivity, either absorbing inconsequential information online or playing video games for hours on end). One challenge I face in this is my reliance on routines and habits, both of which are easily disturbed by seemingly irrelevant changes in my environment (such as my parents visiting). I derail when up against only a little resistance and then spend too much time berating my derailment instead of getting back on track in some form. Being overly sensitive is a nuisance, and one that leads to ongoing frustration.
As for what I want to write about: I'd like to review and reflect on books I read, games I play, and movies I see. I'd like to comment on current events with reference to substantial sources of information. I want to express opinions with more than "I think that." I want to hone my writing and editing skills again and write for, at least partly, the purpose of creating something, something worth reading.
This experiment of blogging one post each day for the month of March has come along well enough. I have not yet missed any days, though the length and quality of the posts have varied significantly. For my future purposes, however, I may need to cut down on regularity in favor of improved quality. I'll see how I progress.
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