Monday, March 21, 2011

Loosening one's reins

Do you allow ever yourself to loosen the reins you have on yourself and your surroundings?

While the eventual clean-up is a dampener, I regularly find myself putting some slack into my reins and allowing myself to "vege" out. I usually do it after a period of time where I have kept the reins tight and stressed, such as the preparations for and execution of a dinner party. I let myself go, taking little responsibility for the aftermath until I have been successfully lazy.

Another form of "vege"ing I do is the more continual disengagement from a room. I believe in having one room in one's house where it is permissible to let the room be messy in the long term. This room is a safety valve where the mental pressure of expectations and duty are steamed away in favor of contentment and enjoyment.

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