Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Old RealJock profile

*currently under re-development; my current profile is a series of chocolates thrown onto a silver platter; I now need to arrange them in a way I enjoy*

For help with HTML codes: http://www.computerhope.com/htmcolor.htm

I recently (in the past couple of years) realized that I had missed out on years of opportunities to get in better shape. While it's been a rocky start, I am working toward greater intensity and consistency.

Key motivations: vanity (I want to be able to turn myself on), fear of obesity (my dad is overweight, as is a paternal aunt), and regret over missing out on many past opportunities. Oh, and I also want to know what it feels like to be in great shape and look droolalicious :-)

My current exercise regime is on pause as I work on a new plan for the time to come.

I used to have a jealous and envious streak when I saw guys who were more built than I was; I wished that I could magically exchange my body with theirs (a la an episode of [i]Angel[/i], where an old man takes over and wears out the bodies of buff guys at the local gym), and experience what I believed they experienced in terms of attention and presumed self-esteem. I envied and was intimidated by "them."

Seeing buff, good-looking guys who nonetheless express immaturity, inconsideration for others, and display all-around jerkishness still annoys me though; I want for there to be an admirable mind with that admirable body.

As I have taken more responsibility for my own fitness and body, however, I now admire guys who have worked their bodies to impressive results; from my own basic experiences with working out, I have more (not full, but more) insight into the hurdles such guys have crossed and the dedication they have put into the projects that are their physical selves. The amount of physical pain they go through is noteworthy, and I am angered when I read baseless accusations of steroid use by people who most likely envy all those who work out.

I am gay, and homosexual homophilic; I have a Bachelor's in Political Science and a Certificate in Women's Studies; I work as an editor for a government website and as a general information adviser; I intend on getting a Master's degree within the next few years.

As for who I am, I have the following and a list of some aspects of myself below:

* I am the bitch, currently known as Payback
Yes yes, it is silly, but I like the phrase :-)

* Currently reading: Michel Foucault's The History of Sexuality: An Introduction.

[paragraph removed on basis of content]

* I lost seven pounds during my vacation in August.

* I wish to momentarily drown in the rising falls of Hollow Bastion, to fall off a highrise and be caught by the Caped Crusader, to dine in the upper reaches of Sharn, to in-person experience the awe of the Thousand Year Door, and to explore Brinstar before it dies.

*Aspects of moi:

I can spend five words describing a lot, or I can spend two-hundred-and-fifty words describing something specific; I prefer the latter.

politics - humanist conservative (by US standards, I am a raving, frothing-at-the-mouth socialist)

religion & faith - atheist (I believe in the accidental and mundane)

social issues - gender & race identities and discrimination, LGBT identities, correlation between preaching and practice

video games - Mario series, Zelda series, Metroid series, Bully, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, SNES RPGs

computer games - The Longest Journey series, the Sierra adventure series (King's Quest, Quest for Glory, Phantasmagoria), story-based (as opposed to backstory-based) RPGs

STDs - as of testing May 16 2007, I have no known sexually transmitted diseases; as of June 13 2007, I have completed the second portion of the Hepatitis B vaccine

PS: I hate, hate, hate tortured logic; bad logic enrages me, gets my blood a'boiling, and makes me want to slap the source with a twenty-pound trout!

PPS: I HATE bad statistics! F*ck the misuse of statistics!

Personal note: I currently support the struggle of gays and lesbians for same-sex marriage because of the legal rights that are attached to marriage; my ideal would be to end governmental sanctioning of the marriage institution and instead codify the rights within marriage as bundles of legal contracts that people can enter into regards of sex or gender (with a possibility for numerical limitations in terms of how many an individual person can establish a contract with).

I consider the boundary of not outing someone as a privilege of respect and not as a sacred right of being gay; if someone threatens others or the community at large and their homo- / bisexual identity is material to this threat, then I aspire to be of the moral fortitude to out that person and act toward ending that threat. It is what I would call just outing.

Another note-dump: LGBT possibilities are somewhat different in Norway though (with an exception in terms of marriage; a gender-neutral marriage law is currently on the government's docket); our most visible, and possibly out gay politicians tend to be from the Conservative Party, gays serve openly in the military...

Making the text color blue

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