Tuesday, November 07, 2006

One month into the life of the working person...

I have now worked in a non-student capacity for approximately a month. It is a change in terms of work hours and in terms of the severe reduction of my spare time. Beyond the three hours I have at home after work each weekday (I get home at approximately 18:00-18:30 and aim at going to bed close to 21:00), I have only got the weekends for good ol' relaxation. Oh woes!

Granted, I spend about an hour working out after work each day! It is quite nice as I have my own office and the structure of working for seven and a half hours helps me with maintaining discipline for keeping it up. The progress is coming on gradually, and I look forward to seeing the change come Christmas-time. I have attained the habit of eating three meals per day, along with two snacks (usually fruit, soup, and a protein shake).

Hmm...must find something more...interesting...for the next post :-D

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