The election is over, the Democrats “won,” and Rumsfeld’s gone. Please, oh pretty please, do not let the newly elected Democrats rest on their non-existent laurels. For the past few years, the Democratic Party has taken beating after beating without much protest. The Daily Show provided a good analogy through Vance DeGeneres, who compared the Democratic strategy for victory to waiting for a drunken assailant to hit himself with his own bottle (the “victor” eventually falls unconscious due to the continuous beatings). Nancy Pelosi’s call for the Democratic “mandate” is reminiscent of Bush’s “mandate” in the 2000 elections; some of the differences are that Bush’s “mandate” came through a skewed perspective on the US voting system, the indifference of the US voting population at large, and the administration’s penchant for providing alternative perspectives on reality, while the current Democratic mandate comes from the US population’s distaste for the war, recent scandals that exposed some of the excesses within the Republican Party and “conservatives” that brought about massive resentment, and the Democratic adaptation of the administration’s “spin alley.”
The Republican Party lost, which can hardly be counted as surprise. The Democratic Party was merely there to pick up the spoils.
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