Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rudy Giuliani on Piers Morgan Tonight

I'm watching Pier Morgan's interview with former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and am having flashbacks to how uninspiring Rudy was back in 2007-08.

He reminds me of those automated baseball / tennisball throwers, shooting out soundbytes with a regular interval. While this is sufficient for some voters, I know it isn't sufficient for what I want from a president and I doubt it's sufficient to get the partisan fire burning among the voters he wants to court.

Rudy also fails to offer any kind of vision of where he wants to take the US. What goals does he have for the country?

Rudy claims that we've been victorious in Iraq? What victory? His hypothetical claims of belief regarding Iraq's alleged stockpiling of nuclear weaponry/materials are ludicrous.

I am merely mortal and I have reached my limit. Off the TV goes.

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