These are some of the Twitterers I recommend following and why I recommend them. The text may change as I find new reasons or better explanations for why I recommend them.
#FF @AMSbossybear
Bossybear is served by @Amsterdirk and is a royal bear that travels mostly around Amsterdam, making claims to what he likes and dispossessing what he doesn't like. These claims are documented with photographs and posted here: Bossybear's twitpic feed. His most frequent statement is "Mine!" He has also met such luminaries as Logan McCree (here's their NSFW encounter).
#FF @MoRocca
Mo Rocca is a comedian, most known from his performances on The Daily Show. He usually tweets humorous takes on current events.
#FF @AndyTowle
Andy Towle is news blogger who focuses on news relevant to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and queer (GLBTQ) persons and their supporters. His blog can be found here: TowleRoad
#FF @BrianJMoylan
Brian Moylan is a news blogger and commentator at, with a special focus on GLBTQ issues presented with a big dash of wit. His blog entries on Gawker can be found here: Gawker - Brian Moylan's posts
#FF @GawkerTV is a sub-site of Gawker that takes on video clips, whether from the World Wide Web or television. It can be highly addictive, especially if you primarily work on a computer. The site can be found here:
#FF @BrentSpiner
Brent (aka Data/Lore from Star Trek:TNG) indulges in a narcissistic personality disorder worth checking out. If you reply to him, be prepared to get burned and entertained.
#FF @BorowitzReport
Andy is an expert 140-characters-or-less humorist, who regularly tweets about current events. You can check out his site here: the Borowitz Report
#FF @Hakonbogen
Norwegian comedian and 8-bit gaming enthusiast who also works with plastic bead art. His work includes plastic bead ties and bowties and a recreation of the first level of Super Mario Bros. His blog can be found here: Garlic in Sink (in Norwegian).
#FF @Gawker
Premiere Hollywood-DC gossip and news review blog. Their site can be found here: Gawker
#FF @I_am_Ozma
Ozma provides smart reflections and questions about current events. Her tweets are worth reading and following.
#FF @StephenAtHome
Stephen's personal tweets; funny statements from the pundit we know and love. His professional website can be found here: The Colbert Nation
#FF @SarahKSilverman
Sarah's unabashed commentary on events and the world around her. Her website can be found here: Sarah Silverman Online
#FF @JoeMyGod
LGBTQ news blog that regularly includes commentary on the aforementioned news. The blog can be found here: Joe.My.God
#FF @ggreenwald
Glenn is a former Constitutional law professor and now blogs for His reflections provide an island of socio-political sanity in a mad, mad world. His blog can be found here: Glenn Greenwald
#FF @ebertchicago
Blogger, news linker, and notorious retweeter, Roger's a great find within the Twitterati. His website and blog can be found here: Roger Ebert at Chicago Suntimes
#FF @donttrythis
Adam Savage of MythBusters fame provides silliness and geektastic links. His website can be found here: Adam Savage Bio
#FF @wilw
Geekdom from Wil Wheaton, a.k.a. Ensign Wesley Crusher. His blog can be found here: WWdN: In Exile
#FF @Joan_Rivers
Joan being Joan (what more could you ask for?) and with a new season of How'd You Get So Rich?. Also Joan's new documentary Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work has received rave reviews.
#FF @jackmackenroth
Jack is a source for LGBTQ news, Project Runway insights, and a whole lot of acerbic Twittering. Mostly the last bit, so you should have a thickened skin before following him.
#FF @rodmccullom
LGBTQ news blogger with frequent updates and discussion. His blog can be found here: Rod 2.0:Beta
#FF @badbanana
Tim provides delicious tweet bons mots.
#FF @thinkgeek
Wonderfully geeky online store and twitterer. And who can resist such adorable monkeys? Their monkeys also called out our would-be robot overlords during Twittergate. Their store can be found here: ThinkGeek: Stuff for Smart Masses
#FF @YahtzeeCroshaw
Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, the man behind Zero Punctuation.
#FF @BPGlobalPR
Unofficial public relations Twitter account for British Petroleum. Frequently informs and shows us how #bpcares.